"Surprise Me" Bouquet Examples
Included in your No-Brainer All-Inclusive Deluxe package is a "surprise me" tropical bouquet, which means that I will make you a bouquet with whatever tropical flowers happen to be fresh at the time. You may certainly tell me if there are any flowers or colors you really DON'T like, or flowers or colors you DO like, as well as tell me if there are any bouquets pictured here that you really love the look of.
Finally, you may always send me a photo of a bouquet you want, whether more deluxe than what you see (see some examples of upgraded requested bouquets here), or something of a different style, but do note that there may be an upgrade fee associated with that bouquet, depending, and I will give you a quote based on the photo. I will also let you know if those flowers are just not doable here in Hawaii. Pinterest has created a problem that way, lol. There are lots of beautiful flowers that don't grow here and cannot be imported, but if you stick to flowers that are native to Hawaii, you'll have more luck, and keep it more authentic to the Hawaiian experience. :) |
Again, let me know which ones you like (if you have a preference), or if you want to send me a photo of something else you had in mind.
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*Simple Kona Beach Weddings is a division of Brighter Life Enterprises, Inc
*Simple Kona Beach Weddings is a division of Brighter Life Enterprises, Inc